Fly rod and reel with a wild brown trout from a chalk stream.

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Fly fishing is an ancient and distinct angling method, developed primarily for salmonids (trout and salmon, mostly) and now extended to other species such as pike, bass, and carp, as well as a wide range of marine species. more...

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Fly Fishing with Darth Vader: And Other Adventures with Evangelical - Very GoodFly Fishing with Darth Vader: And Other Adventures with Evangelical - Very Good $4.39 The Unreasonable Virtue of Fly Fishing - Hardcover By Kurlansky, Mark - GoodThe Unreasonable Virtue of Fly Fishing - Hardcover By Kurlansky, Mark - Good $4.39
1996 Fly Fishing Equip. and Skills Hardcover1996 Fly Fishing Equip. and Skills Hardcover $12.00 Techniques of Fly Tying and Trout Fishing by George W. Harvey pb with LetterTechniques of Fly Tying and Trout Fishing by George W. Harvey pb with Letter $19.76
Dry Fly Fishing by Hughes, DaveDry Fly Fishing by Hughes, Dave $5.85 New ListingFly Fishing Spinning Fly Tying Book Lot of 6 Trout Steelhead Nymphs Trout FliesNew ListingFly Fishing Spinning Fly Tying Book Lot of 6 Trout Steelhead Nymphs Trout Flies $24.95
The Little Red Book of Fly Fishing [Little Books]The Little Red Book of Fly Fishing [Little Books] $5.50 New Sealed Original Set - Advanced Strategies For Selective Trout - Doug SwisherNew Sealed Original Set - Advanced Strategies For Selective Trout - Doug Swisher $199.00